Under a crisp autumn sky in the Appalachian river town of Cold Spring, Ohio, the long and not-so-long held secrets of the Goodlander and Cutright families have begun to unravel, tumbling out of hearts pried open by events leading up to the betrayal of little Sharda Cutright’s youthful naïveté.
The arrival in Cold Spring of boyish and chronically handsome Finn Decker—a drifter of sorts, toting little more than a change of clothes and a guitar—triggers the release of family secrets and becomes a catalyst for both personal and family redemption.
Under the Rock is a richly colorful, authentically told family saga. Although it describes a time and a culture—the edges of Appalachia in the post-depression mid-1900′s—that are now mostly a distant memory, its powerful messages of innocence, betrayal and forgiveness are as timeless as the steady flow of the Ohio River.......
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